Mattie Stepanek: 13 year old Poet and peacemaker, Mattie wrote poems about peace and hope. His poems got published in a book called "Heartsongs". I admire him for his strength and will to live the life to its fullest. I watched his interviews by Larry King with awe. He could talk about so many things. But he still was regular kid who liked Disney Land and traveling. Sadly, he passed away on the morning of June 22, 2004. He had so much potential.

Here is one of his poems.
For our World
By Mattie J.T. Stepanek
We need to stop.
Just stop.
Stop for a moment
Before anybody
Says or does anything
That may hurt anyone else.
We need to be silent.
Just silent.
Silent for a moment
Before we forever lose
The blessing of songs
That grow in our hearts.
We need to notice.
Just notice.
Notice for a moment
Before the future slips away
Into ashes and dust of humility.
Stop, be silent, and notice
In so many ways, we are the same.
Our differences are unique treasures.
We have, we are, a mosaic of gifts
To nurture, to offer, to accept.
We need to be.
Just be.
Be for a moment Kind and gentle, innocent and trusting,
Like children and lambs,
Never judging or vengeful
Like the judging and vengeful.
And now, let us pray,
Differently, yet together,
Before there is no earth, no life,
No chance for peace.
September 12, 2001
© Matthew Joseph Thaddeus Stepanek
Gregory Smith: Gregory is a 15 year old second year graduate at University of Virginia, a PhD in Mathematics. He started the International Youth Advocates. He says,
"You see, I have a vision. At a time when people are insecure about the future when hatred turns against the innocent. wouldn't it restore hope if children took it upon themselves to help other children. children bridging cultural, political and religious divides coming together in peace, speaking with one voice for freedom and justice and working for a future without fear and suffering. Children who have not learned to hate. Children who feel a connection with their world. Children who can define the ideal world where all have opportunity and then believe that it can happen. For the sake of all of us, we must make this happen. - Greg Smith"

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