Monday, December 29, 2008

Speed limits

I always thought why not restrict cars to only under 70 mph. You get a ticket if you go higher anyways and it is dangerous, so why allow the car to run at speeds over 70 mph? It's now happening in the UK. They are thinking of installing devices that will slow the car down to the allowed limit on any particular street. That is cool and been a long time coming.


Ranganathan said...

Very good point. But, its all about Money! Your device would strip off lots of easy money from the Police dept, insurance companies, camera makers, lawyers, .. et al ! So, they will always keep you tempting to cross the limit and fall for the traps !

Ranikaur9 said...

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Anonymous said...

Interesting news...

I don't see that coming to the US though. Though it may be particularly safe, I feel that there are potential flaws in it. One being that, if your a fast driver and are unaware of the speed changes (the locations of speed limit signs), the brakes could cause some harm. Flaws in the system may cause the car to slow down to rapidly leading to traction issues. This could especially be a problem when it rains because fairly drastic changes in speed can cause the car to spin out...which is never good. Since the system doesn't know if its raining, its a problem either way. Ranganathan has a good point, though I think that is the reason it won't happen here in the puts too many people out of business, and with the economy and Obama...that's not a good combo.

rental elf said...

Nice article, thanks for the information.

sajith said...

Very good point. Unfortunately state need money

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